The animated sequel Ne Zha 2: The Demonic Warlord continues to dominate the Chinese box office during the Lunar New Year, while The Legend of the Condor Heroes: The Great Legend underperforms.
On January 30, China’s box office revenue reached 1.35 billion yuan, a 28% increase from last year. Ne Zha 2 led with 478 million yuan that day, accumulating 1.2 billion yuan by January 31. Detective Chinatown 1900 followed closely with 1 billion yuan. In contrast, Legend of the Condor Heroes ranked third with 456 million yuan but faced declining audience ratings.
Despite praise for its visuals and Xiao Zhan’s performance, Legend of the Condor Heroes was criticized for weak storytelling and overdone effects. Industry predictions suggest it may struggle to surpass 800 million yuan before exiting theaters. Meanwhile, Ne Zha 2 is expected to surpass 5.5 billion yuan, solidifying its box office success.